This was meant to be a game about running from your problems, but I had a problem, and so the game has proven that you can never really run from your problems. 

  • This game is incomplete. Allow me to list all the things I failed to implement and explain why:
    • We'll start with the big one. There are no enemies! I spent a majority of the week learning how to build a pathfinding system for enemies to chase the player, however, I couldn't get it to work. I guess I just couldn't find the way.
      • The pathfinding tutorial I found was for Godot 3.5 and I use Godot 4.2. I could not figure out how to convert the information to the new system.
    • There is no sound! I was legitimately too busy trying to get pathfinding to implement sound.
    • There is no UI! See above. That excuse will be the main thing I return to. 
    • There is no win condition. There never was going to be one though. The theme was "Last Stand!" not "We're all going to be okay in the end.
  • What did I finish? That's the fun part, I didn't. 
    • But, I did achieve a few things! The art is all created by me in a rush to get something put together. No asset packs or outside materials.
    • The code was all coded by hand by me. Granted, I used some tutorials to work on it, but I typed it all. 300+ lines of junk code. Let's go!
    • Nothing in here is truly feature complete, but you CAN run around a level of my own design. 

The lesson? I failed to create a game, but I did not fail to learn. And learning was the point. It was my first solo game jam and I feel like I have gained a LOT of new info and plan to keep chugging away at figuring out the pathfinding. 

Published 27 days ago
AuthorsZenericGuy, razielmei
Made withGodot
TagsGodot, My First Game Jam